Markmont. #fullyfreestyle Clip Video (oct '19)

A few weeks ago I lengthened my string length and took a stroll back to using instrumental beats for a #fullyfreestyle session. The extra length gave me a lot more room to get more exploratory with my movements and my element choices; larger ranges of speed variation and comfier density use. The beats put me in a generally more laid back pocket that I haven't dabbled in in a while which felt aaallll too refreshing. All and all, this combination was just straight up 'fun' and I hope y'all enjoy watching this as much as I enjoyed making it.

The following clip video is paired down to my favorite 10 minutes of nuggets from that session.

Beats by ohbliv

#markmont #markmontclassic #markmontformulas #markmontshop #onedropyoyos #yoyo #yoyotricks #trickcircle #atlanta #fullyfreestyle